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Exhibitor Manual

Click here for the CVPR 2024 Exhibitor Manual

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your questions in the FAQs.

This site provides you with the rules and regulations and a quick and easy way to order the services you'll need for your participation as an exhibitor. Please take a few moments to review each section of the Manual in detail. Included are order forms for all services provided by the official CVPR 2024 Expo contractors.

Order through FreemanOnline by May 20 PST for the best prices. To place online orders, you will be required to enter your unique Username and Password. If this is your first time to use FreemanOnline, click on the "Create an Account" link. Please contact Freeman at 888-508-5054 for assistance.

Various Deadlines

May 12 - Lead Retrieval Discount Pricing Deadline
May 20 - Advance Warehouse Shipments deadline
May 20 - Freeman Orders Advance Pricing Deadline
May 25 - Seattle Convention Center Services Advance Rate Deadline
June 1 - Audio Visual Orders
June 10 - Advance Warehouse Shipments deadline
June 17 - Show Site Shipments begin