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CVPR 2025 Clarifications/FAQs


November 13, 2024

1. Authors with incomplete OpenReview profiles have received emails from us with personalized instructions on how to complete their profiles. A common issue is the omission of "country" in the "Education & Career History" section. Please carefully follow the instructions here: [CVPR Profile Completion Guide]. 

2. We have received numerous requests for exceptions to late paper registrations. Unfortunately, no exceptions will be granted for CVPR. Please also note that we will not grant any exceptions for late paper submissions, and we can not respond to such requests.


November 7, 2024:

1. The OpenReview Account Creation Deadline is a date that the author needs to ask OpenReview for an account, not the date for the account to be complete. This deadline is set because OpenReview asked for up to 2 weeks to create the account. Authors are not in violation of the rules as long as an OpenReview account is fully created and completed by the paper submission deadline.

2. As stated in the Author guidelines, adding, removing, or re-ordering authors is permitted until the paper submission deadline. No changes can be made after this deadline.

3. The “maximum 25 submissions per author” rule will be enforced after the paper submission deadline. After the paper registration deadline, we will notify authors who have more than 25 submissions and the authors would have until the paper submission deadline to bring themselves within 25 submissions.

4. Grammar checker software that may have used LLMs is allowed in reviews. Our policy states that one can use LLMs to check short phrases and accept LLM suggestions. Hence, the policy should be interpreted as that one cannot have significant chunks of text generated by LLMs based on sharing the paper or the review with them.

5. Dual submissions are strictly prohibited for CVPR. We are coordinating with overlapping conferences to check dual submissions. Please note that we will not count withdrawn paper submissions to another concurrent conference (e.g. ICLR) as dual submissions as long as it is withdrawn from the other concurrent conference before the CVPR paper submission deadline Nov. 14th, 2024, 23:59 PM PST.

6. Supplementary material submissions will open after the paper registration deadline.

7. Please note a small change in the author guidelines compared to CVPR 2024: we no longer allow any links to external websites in the supplementary material unless it is to an anonymous GitHub repository. This is because we cannot track external links without a third-party timestamp to make sure no new material is updated after the supplementary material deadline. In previous conferences, this was already highly discouraged, but CVPR 2025 decides to disallow it to avoid potential misuse.