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Semantic Human Mesh Reconstruction with Textures

xiaoyu zhan · Jianxin Yang · Yuanqi Li · Jie Guo · Yanwen Guo · Wenping Wang

Summit Flex Hall C Oral #4


The field of 3D detailed human mesh reconstruction has made significant progress in recent years. However, current methods still face challenges when used in industrial applications due to unstable results, low-quality meshes, and a lack of UV unwrapping and skinning weights. In this paper, we present SHERT, a novel pipeline that can reconstruct semantic human meshes with textures and high-precision details. SHERT applies semantic and normal-based sampling between the detailed surface (e.g. mesh and SDF) and the corresponding SMPL-X model to obtain a partially sampled semantic mesh and then generates the complete semantic mesh by our specifically designed self-supervised completion and refinement networks. Using the complete semantic mesh as a basis, we employ a texture diffusion model to create human textures that are driven by both images and text. Our reconstructed meshes have stable UV unwrapping, high-quality triangle meshes, and consistent semantic information. The given SMPL-X model provides semantic information and shape priors, allowing SHERT to perform well even with incorrect and incomplete inputs. The semantic information also makes it easy to substitute and animate different body parts such as the face, body, and hands. Quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that SHERT is capable of producing high-fidelity and robust semantic meshes that outperform state-of-the-art methods.

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