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Visual Layout Composer: Image-Vector Dual Diffusion Model for Design Layout Generation

Mohammad Amin Shabani · Zhaowen Wang · Difan Liu · Nanxuan Zhao · Jimei Yang · Yasutaka Furukawa

Arch 4A-E Poster #429


This paper proposes an image-vector dual diffusion model for generative layout design. Distinct from prior efforts that mostly ignores element-level visual information, our approach integrates the power of a pre-trained large image diffusion model to guide layout composition in a vector diffusion model by providing enhanced salient region understanding and high-level inter-element relationship reasoning. Our proposed model simultaneously operates in two domains: it generates the overall design appearance in the image domain while optimizing the size and position of each design element in the vector domain. The proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art results on several datasets and enables new layout design applications.

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