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Selective Hourglass Mapping for Universal Image Restoration Based on Diffusion Model

Dian Zheng · Xiao-Ming Wu · Shuzhou Yang · Jian Zhang · Jian-Fang Hu · Wei-Shi Zheng

Arch 4A-E Poster #127

Abstract: Universal image restoration is a practical and potential computer vision task for real-world applications. The main challenge of this task is handling the different degradation distributions at once. Existing methods mainly utilize task-specific conditions (i.e., prompt) to guide the model to learn different distributions separately, named multi-partite mapping. However, it is not suitable for universal model learning as it ignores the shared information between different tasks. In this work, we propose an advanced $\textbf{selective hourglass mapping strategy}$ based on diffusion model, termed $\textbf{DiffUIR}$. Two novel considerations make our DiffUIR non-trivial. Firstly, we equip the model with strong condition guidance to obtain accurate generation direction of diffusion model ($\textbf{selective}$). More importantly, DiffUIR integrates a flexible shared distribution term (SDT) into the diffusion algorithm elegantly and naturally, which gradually maps different distributions into a shared one. In the reverse process, combined with SDT and strong condition guidance, DiffUIR iteratively guides the shared distribution to the task-specific distribution with high image quality ($\textbf{hourglass}$). Without bells and whistles, by only modifying the mapping strategy, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on five image restoration tasks, 22 benchmarks in the universal setting and zero-shot generalization setting. Surprisingly, by only using a lightweight model (only 0.89M), we could achieve outstanding performance. The source code and pre-trained models are available at

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