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Motion Blur Decomposition with Cross-shutter Guidance

Xiang Ji · Haiyang Jiang · Yinqiang Zheng

Arch 4A-E Poster #281


Motion blur is a frequently observed image artifact, especially under insufficient illumination where exposure time has to be prolonged so as to collect more photons for a bright enough image. Rather than simply removing such blurring effects, recent research has aimed at decomposing a blurry image into multiple sharp images with spatial and temporal coherence. Since motion blur decomposition itself is highly ambiguous, priors from neighbouring frames or human annotation are usually needed for motion disambiguation. In this paper, inspired by the complementary exposure characteristics of a global shutter (GS) camera and a rolling shutter (RS) camera, we propose to utilize the ordered scanline-wise delay in a rolling shutter image to robustify motion decomposition of a single blurry image. To evaluate this novel dual imaging setting, we construct a triaxial system to collect realistic data, as well as a deep network architecture that explicitly addresses temporal and contextual information through reciprocal branches for cross-shutter motion blur decomposition. Experiment results have verified the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, as well as the validity of our dual imaging setting.

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