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Oral Session

Orals 2C 3D from multiview and sensors

Summit Flex Hall C
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Wed 19 June 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Oral #1
Point Transformer V3: Simpler Faster Stronger

Xiaoyang Wu · Li Jiang · Peng-Shuai Wang · Zhijian Liu · Xihui Liu · Yu Qiao · Wanli Ouyang · Tong He · Hengshuang Zhao

This paper is not motivated to seek innovation within the attention mechanism. Instead, it focuses on overcoming the existing trade-offs between accuracy and efficiency within the context of point cloud processing, leveraging the power of scale. Drawing inspiration from recent advances in 3D large-scale representation learning, we recognize that model performance is more influenced by scale than by intricate design. Therefore, we present Point Transformer V3 (PTv3), which prioritizes simplicity and efficiency over the accuracy of certain mechanisms that are minor to the overall performance, such as replacing the precise neighbor search by KNN with an efficient serialized neighbor mapping of point clouds organized with specific patterns. This principle enables significant scaling, expanding the receptive field from 16 to 1024 points while remaining efficient (a 3$\times$ increase in processing speed and a 10$\times$ improvement in memory efficiency compared with its predecessor, PTv2). PTv3 attains state-of-the-art results on over 20 downstream tasks that span both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Further enhanced with multi-dataset joint training, PTv3 pushes these results to a higher level. Code will be available.

Wed 19 June 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

Oral #2
Matching 2D Images in 3D: Metric Relative Pose from Metric Correspondences

Axel Barroso-Laguna · Sowmya Munukutla · Victor Adrian Prisacariu · Eric Brachmann

Given two images, we can estimate the relative camera pose between them by establishing image-to-image correspondences. Usually, correspondences are 2D-to-2D and the pose we estimate is defined only up to scale. Some applications, aiming at instant augmented reality anywhere, require scale-metric pose estimates, and hence, they rely on external depth estimators to recover the scale. We present MicKey, a keypoint matching pipeline that is able to predict metric correspondences in 3D camera space. By learning to match 3D coordinates across images, we are able to infer the metric relative pose without depth measurements. Depth measurements are also not required for training, nor are scene reconstructions or image overlap information. MicKey is supervised only by pairs of images and their relative poses. MicKey achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Map-Free Relocalisation benchmark while requiring less supervision than competing approaches. The code will be made publicly available.

Wed 19 June 13:36 - 13:54 PDT

Oral #3
Seeing the World through Your Eyes

Hadi Alzayer · Kevin Zhang · Brandon Y. Feng · Christopher Metzler · Jia-Bin Huang

The reflective nature of the human eye is an underappreciated source of information about what the world around us looks like. By imaging the eyes of a moving person, we capture multiple views of a scene outside the camera's direct line of sight through the reflections in the eyes. In this paper, we reconstruct a radiance field beyond the camera's line of sight using portrait images containing eye reflections. This task is challenging due to (1) the difficulty of accurately estimating eye poses and (2) the entangled appearance of the iris textures and the scene reflections. To address these, our method jointly optimizes the cornea poses, the radiance field depicting the scene, and the observer's eye iris texture. We further present a regularization prior on the iris texture to improve scene reconstruction quality. Through various experiments on synthetic and real-world captures featuring people with varied eye colors, and lighting conditions, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to recover the radiance field using cornea reflections.

Wed 19 June 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

Oral #4
Tri-Perspective View Decomposition for Geometry-Aware Depth Completion

Zhiqiang Yan · Yuankai Lin · Kun Wang · Yupeng Zheng · Yufei Wang · Zhenyu Zhang · Jun Li · Jian Yang

Depth completion is a vital task for autonomous driving, as it involves reconstructing the precise 3D geometry of a scene from sparse and noisy depth measurements. However, most existing methods either rely only on 2D depth representations or directly incorporate raw 3D point clouds for compensation, which are still insufficient to capture the fine-grained 3D geometry of the scene. To address this challenge, we introduce Tri-Perspective View Decomposition (TPVD), a novel framework that can explicitly model 3D geometry. In particular, (1) TPVD ingeniously decomposes the original point cloud into three 2D views, one of which corresponds to the sparse depth input. (2) We design TPV Fusion to update the 2D TPV features through recurrent 2D-3D-2D aggregation, where a Distance-Aware Spherical Convolution (DASC) is applied. (3) By adaptively choosing TPV affinitive neighbors, the newly proposed Geometric Spatial Propagation Network (GSPN) further improves the geometric consistency. As a result, our TPVD outperforms existing methods on KITTI, NYUv2, and SUN RGBD benchmarks. Furthermore, we build a novel depth completion dataset named TOFDC, which is acquired by the time-of-flight (TOF) sensor and the color camera on smartphones. Project page.

Wed 19 June 14:12 - 14:30 PDT

Oral #5
Steerers: A Framework for Rotation Equivariant Keypoint Descriptors

Georg Bökman · Johan Edstedt · Michael Felsberg · Fredrik Kahl

Image keypoint descriptions that are discriminative and matchable over large changes in viewpoint are vital for 3D reconstruction. However, descriptions output by learned descriptors are typically not robust to camera rotation. While they can be made more robust by, e.g., data augmentation, this degrades performance on upright images. Another approach is test-time augmentation, which incurs a significant increase in runtime. Instead, we learn a linear transform in description space that encodes rotations of the input image. We call this linear transform a steerer since it allows us to transform the descriptions as if the image was rotated. From representation theory, we know all possible steerers for the rotation group. Steerers can be optimized (A) given a fixed descriptor, (B) jointly with a descriptor or (C) we can optimize a descriptor given a fixed steerer. We perform experiments in these three settings and obtain state-of-the-art results on the rotation invariant image matching benchmarks AIMS and Roto-360.