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Oral Session

Orals 4C Action and motion

Summit Flex Hall C
Thu 20 Jun 1 p.m. PDT — 2:30 p.m. PDT
Chat is not available.

Thu 20 June 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Oral #1
Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions: New Challenges and Baselines with Densely Aligned Representations

Sangmin Lee · Bolin Lai · Fiona Ryan · Bikram Boote · James Rehg

Understanding social interactions involving both verbal and non-verbal cues is essential for effectively interpreting social situations. However, most prior works on multimodal social cues focus predominantly on single-person behaviors or rely on holistic visual representations that are not aligned to utterances in multi-party environments. Consequently, they are limited in modeling the intricate dynamics of multi-party interactions. In this paper, we introduce three new challenging tasks to model the fine-grained dynamics between multiple people: speaking target identification, pronoun coreference resolution, and mentioned player prediction. We contribute extensive data annotations to curate these new challenges in social deduction game settings. Furthermore, we propose a novel multimodal baseline that leverages densely aligned language-visual representations by synchronizing visual features with their corresponding utterances. This facilitates concurrently capturing verbal and non-verbal cues pertinent to social reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with densely aligned multimodal representations in modeling fine-grained social interactions. Project website:

Thu 20 June 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

Oral #2
An N-Point Linear Solver for Line and Motion Estimation with Event Cameras

Ling Gao · Daniel Gehrig · Hang Su · Davide Scaramuzza · Laurent Kneip

Event cameras respond primarily to edges---formed by strong gradients---and are thus particularly well-suited for line-based motion estimation. Recent work has shown that events generated by a single line each satisfy a polynomial constraint which describes a manifold in the space-time volume. Multiple such constraints can be solved simultaneously to recover the partial linear velocity and line parameters. In this work, we show that, with a suitable line parametrization, this system of constraints is actually linear in the unknowns, which allows us to design a novel linear solver. Unlike existing solvers, our linear solver (i) is fast and numerically stable since it does not rely on expensive root finding, (ii) can solve both minimal and overdetermined systems with more than 5 events, and (iii) admits the characterization of all degenerate cases and multiple solutions. The found line parameters are singularity-free and have a fixed scale, which eliminates the need for auxiliary constraints typically encountered in previous work. To recover the full linear camera velocity we fuse observations from multiple lines with a novel velocity averaging scheme that relies on a geometrically-motivated residual, and thus solves the problem more efficiently than previous schemes which minimize an algebraic residual. Extensive experiments in synthetic and real-world settings demonstrate that our method surpasses the previous work in numerical stability, and operates over 600 times faster.

Thu 20 June 13:36 - 13:54 PDT

Oral #3
RoHM: Robust Human Motion Reconstruction via Diffusion

Siwei Zhang · Bharat Lal Bhatnagar · Yuanlu Xu · Alexander Winkler · Petr Kadlecek · Siyu Tang · Federica Bogo

We propose RoHM, an approach for robust 3D human motion reconstruction from monocular RGB(-D) videos in the presence of noise and occlusions. Most previous approaches either train neural networks to directly regress motion in 3D or learn data-driven motion priors and combine them with optimization at test time. RoHM is a novel diffusion-based motion model that, conditioned on noisy and occluded input data, reconstructs complete, plausible motions in consistent global coordinates. Given the complexity of the problem -- requiring one to address different tasks (denoising and infilling) in different solution spaces (local and global motion) -- we decompose it into two sub-tasks and learn two models, one for global trajectory and one for local motion. To capture the correlations between the two, we then introduce a novel conditioning module, combining it with an iterative inference scheme. We apply RoHM to a variety of tasks -- from motion reconstruction and denoising to spatial and temporal infilling. Extensive experiments on three popular datasets show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches qualitatively and quantitatively, while being faster at test time. The code is available at

Thu 20 June 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

Oral #4
Temporally Consistent Unbalanced Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Action Segmentation

Ming Xu · Stephen Gould

We propose a novel approach to the action segmentation task for long, untrimmed videos, based on solving an optimal transport problem. By encoding a temporal consistency prior into a Gromov-Wasserstein problem, we are able to decode a temporally consistent segmentation from a noisy affinity/matching cost matrix between video frames and action classes. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require knowing the action order for a video to attain temporal consistency. Furthermore, our resulting (fused) Gromov-Wasserstein problem can be efficiently solved on GPUs using a few iterations of projected mirror descent. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in an unsupervised learning setting, where our method is used to generate pseudo-labels for self-training. We evaluate our segmentation approach and unsupervised learning pipeline on the Breakfast, 50-Salads, YouTube Instructions and Desktop Assembly datasets, yielding state-of-the-art results for the unsupervised video action segmentation task.

Thu 20 June 14:12 - 14:30 PDT

Oral #5
FineParser: A Fine-grained Spatio-temporal Action Parser for Human-centric Action Quality Assessment

Jinglin Xu · Sibo Yin · Guohao Zhao · Zishuo Wang · Yuxin Peng

Existing action quality assessment (AQA) methods mainly learn deep representations at the video level for scoring diverse actions. Due to the lack of a fine-grained understanding of actions in videos, they harshly suffer from low credibility and interpretability, thus insufficient for stringent applications, such as Olympic diving events. We argue that a fine-grained understanding of actions requires the model to perceive and parse actions in both time and space, which is also the key to the credibility and interpretability of the AQA technique. Based on this insight, we propose a new fine-grained spatial-temporal action parser named FineParser. It learns human-centric foreground action representations by focusing on target action regions within each frame and exploiting their fine-grained alignments in time and space to minimize the impact of invalid backgrounds during the assessment. In addition, we construct fine-grained annotations of human-centric foreground action masks for the FineDiving dataset, called FineDiving-HM. With refined annotations on diverse target action procedures, FineDiving-HM can promote the development of real-world AQA systems. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of FineParser, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods while supporting more tasks of fine-grained action understanding. Data and code are available at