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Oral Session

Orals 5C Low-shot, self-supervised, semi-supervised learning

Summit Flex Hall C
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Fri 21 June 9:00 - 9:18 PDT

Oral #1
CroSel: Cross Selection of Confident Pseudo Labels for Partial-Label Learning

Shiyu Tian · Hongxin Wei · Yiqun Wang · Lei Feng

Partial-label learning (PLL) is an important weakly supervised learning problem, which allows each training example to have a candidate label set instead of a single ground-truth label. Identification-based methods have been widely explored to tackle label ambiguity issues in PLL, which regard the true label as a latent variable to be identified. However, identifying the true labels accurately and completely remains challenging, causing noise in pseudo labels during model training. In this paper, we propose a new method called CroSel, which leverages historical prediction from models to identify true labels for most training examples. First, we introduce a cross selection strategy, which enables two deep models to select true labels of partially labeled data for each other. Besides, we propose a novel consistent regularization term called co-mix to avoid sample waste and tiny noise caused by false selection. In this way, CroSel can pick out the true labels of most examples with high precision. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of CroSel, which consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets. Additionally, our method achieves over 90\% accuracy and quantity for selecting true labels on CIFAR-type datasets under various settings.

Fri 21 June 9:18 - 9:36 PDT

Oral #2
MLP Can Be A Good Transformer Learner

Sihao Lin · Pumeng Lyu · Dongrui Liu · Tao Tang · Xiaodan Liang · Andy Song · Xiaojun Chang

Self-attention mechanism is the key of the Transformer but often criticized for its computation demands. Previous token pruning works motivate their methods from the view of computation redundancy but still need to load the full network and require same memory costs. This paper introduces a novel strategy that simplifies vision transformers and reduces computational load through the selective removal of non-essential attention layers, guided by entropy considerations. We identify that regarding the attention layer in bottom blocks, their subsequent MLP layers, i.e. two feed-forward layers, can elicit the same entropy quantity. Meanwhile, the accompanied MLPs are under-exploited since they exhibit smaller feature entropy compared to those MLPs in the top blocks. Therefore, we propose to integrate the uninformative attention layers into their subsequent counterparts by degenerating them into identical mapping, yielding only MLP in certain transformer blocks. Experimental results on ImageNet-1k show that the proposed method can remove 40% attention layer of Deit-B, improving throughput and memory bound without performance compromise.

Fri 21 June 9:36 - 9:54 PDT

Oral #3
From SAM to CAMs: Exploring Segment Anything Model for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Hyeokjun Kweon · Kuk-Jin Yoon

Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) aims to learn the concept of segmentation using image-level class labels. Recent WSSS works have shown promising results by using the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a foundation model for segmentation, during the inference phase. However, we observe that these methods can still be vulnerable to the noise of class activation maps (CAMs) serving as initial seeds. As a remedy, this paper introduces From-SAM-to-CAMs (S2C), a novel WSSS framework that directly transfers the knowledge of SAM to the classifier during the training process, enhancing the quality of CAMs itself. S2C comprises SAM-segment Contrasting (SSC) and a CAM-based prompting module (CPM), which exploit SAM at the feature and logit levels, respectively. SSC performs prototype-based contrasting using SAM's automatic segmentation results. It constrains each feature to be close to the prototype of its segment and distant from prototypes of the others. Meanwhile, CPM extracts prompts from the CAM of each class and uses them to generate class-specific segmentation masks through SAM. The masks are aggregated into unified self-supervision based on the confidence score, designed to consider the reliability of both SAM and CAMs. S2C achieves a new state-of-the-art performance across all benchmarks, outperforming existing studies by significant margins. The code is available at

Fri 21 June 9:54 - 10:12 PDT

Oral #4
LTGC: Long-tail Recognition via Leveraging LLMs-driven Generated Content

Qihao Zhao · Yalun Dai · Hao Li · Wei Hu · Fan Zhang · Jun Liu

Long-tail recognition is challenging because it requires the model to learn good representations from tail categories and address imbalances across all categories. In this paper, we propose a novel generative and fine-tuning framework, LTGC, to handle long-tail recognition via leveraging generated content. Firstly, inspired by the rich implicit knowledge in large-scale models (e.g., large language models, LLMs), LTGC leverages the power of these models to parse and reason over the original tail data to produce diverse tail-class content. We then propose several novel designs for LTGC to ensure the quality of the generated data and to efficiently fine-tune the model using both the generated and original data. The visualization demonstrates the effectiveness of the generation module in LTGC, which produces accurate and diverse tail data. Additionally, the experimental results demonstrate that our LTGC outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on popular long-tailed benchmarks.

Fri 21 June 10:12 - 10:30 PDT

Oral #5
Improving Semantic Correspondence with Viewpoint-Guided Spherical Maps

Octave Mariotti · Oisin Mac Aodha · Hakan Bilen

Recent progress in self-supervised representation learning has resulted in models that are capable of extracting image features that are not only effective at encoding image-level, but also pixel-level, semantics. These features have been shown to be effective for dense visual semantic correspondence estimation, even outperforming fully-supervised methods. Nevertheless, current self-supervised approaches still fail in the presence of challenging image characteristics such as symmetries and repeated parts. To address these limitations, we propose a new approach for semantic correspondence estimation that supplements discriminative self-supervised features with 3D understanding via a weak geometric spherical prior. Compared to more involved 3D pipelines, our model only requires weak viewpoint information, and the simplicity of our spherical representation enables us to inject informative geometric priors into the model during training. We propose a new evaluation metric that better accounts for repeated part and symmetry-induced mistakes. We present results on the challenging SPair-71k dataset, where we show that our approach demonstrates is capable of distinguishing between symmetric views and repeated parts across many object categories, and also demonstrate that we can generalize to unseen classes on the AwA dataset.