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Third Workshop of Mobile Intelligent Photography & Imaging

Xiaoming Li

Arch 213

Tue 18 Jun, 8:30 a.m. PDT

Keywords:  Track on Mobile and Embedded Vision  

This workshop focuses on Mobile Intelligent and Photography Imaging (MIPI). It is closely connected to the impressive advancements of computational photography and imaging on mobile platforms (e.g., phones, AR/VR devices, and automatic cars), especially with the explosive growth of new image sensors and camera systems. Currently, the demand for developing and perfecting advanced image sensors and camera systems is rising rapidly. Meanwhile, new sensors and camera systems present interesting and novel research problems to the community. Moreover, the limited computing resources on mobile devices further compound the challenges, as it requires developing lightweight and efficient algorithms. However, the lack of high-quality data for research and the rare opportunity for an in-depth exchange of views from industry and academia constrain the development of mobile intelligent photography and imaging.

With the consecutive success of the 1st MIPI Workshop@ECCV 2022 and the 2nd MIPI Workshop@CVPR 2023, we will continue to arrange new sensors and imaging systems-related competition with industry-level data, and invite keynote speakers from both industry and academia to fuse the synergy. In this MIPI workshop, the competition will include three tracks: few-shot raw denoising, event-based sensor, and Nighttime Flare Removal. MIPI wishes to gather researchers and engineers together, encompassing the challenging issues and shaping future technologies in the related research directions.

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