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CVPR 2023 - 10th Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MCV)

Vasileios Belagiannis · Tal Arbel · Tammy Riklin Raviv · Moti Freiman · Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin · Yuyin Zhou · Nicolas Padoy · Qi Dou · Mathias Unberath

East 1

Sun 18 Jun, 8 a.m. PDT

Keywords:  CV + X: Biomedical  

The CVPR MCV workshop provides a unique forum for researchers and developers in academia, industry and healthcare to present, discuss and learn about cutting-edge advances in machine learning and computer vision for medical image analysis and computer assisted interventions. The workshop offers a venue for potential new collaborative efforts, encouraging more dataset and information exchanges for important clinical applications.

The ultimate goal of the MCV workshop is to bring together stakeholders interested in leveraging medical imaging data, machine learning and computer vision algorithms to build the next generation of tools and products to advance image-based healthcare. It is time to deliver!

The program features invited talks from leading researchers from academia and industry and clinicians. There will be no paper submissions at this year's workshop.

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