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CV4Animals: Computer Vision for Animal Behavior Tracking and Modeling (Workshop)

Silvia Zuffi · Helge Rhodin · Angjoo Kanazawa · Shohei Nobuhara · Hyun Soo Park · Sara Beery · Anna Zamansky

East 4

Sun 18 Jun, 9:20 a.m. PDT

Keywords:  General track  

Many biological organisms are evolved to exhibit diverse quintessential behaviors via physical and social interactions with surroundings, and understanding these behaviors is a fundamental goal of multiple disciplines including neuroscience, biology, medicine, behavior science, and sociology. For example, ethogramming characterizes the behavioral states and their transitions, which further provides a scientific basis to understand innate human behaviors, e.g., decision-making, attention, and group behaviors. These analyses require objective, repeatable, and scalable measurements of animal behaviors that are not possible with existing methodologies that leverage manual encoding from animal experts and specialists. Recently, computer vision has been making a groundbreaking impact by providing a new tool that enables computational measurements of the behaviors.
The workshop offers invited talks, orals, and poster sessions by the leading scientists in the field, coming computer vision, neuro science, and biology. Our webpage list the full schedule, accepted papers, and posters.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
