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Prototype-Based Embedding Network for Scene Graph Generation

Chaofan Zheng · Xinyu Lyu · Lianli Gao · Bo Dai · Jingkuan Song

West Building Exhibit Halls ABC 208


Current Scene Graph Generation (SGG) methods explore contextual information to predict relationships among entity pairs. However, due to the diverse visual appearance of numerous possible subject-object combinations, there is a large intra-class variation within each predicate category, e.g., “man-eating-pizza, giraffe-eating-leaf”, and the severe inter-class similarity between different classes, e.g., “man-holding-plate, man-eating-pizza”, in model’s latent space. The above challenges prevent current SGG methods from acquiring robust features for reliable relation prediction. In this paper, we claim that predicate’s categoryinherent semantics can serve as class-wise prototypes in the semantic space for relieving the above challenges caused by the diverse visual appearances. To the end, we propose the Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net), which models entities/predicates with prototype-aligned compact and distinctive representations and establishes matching between entity pairs and predicates in a common embedding space for relation recognition. Moreover, Prototypeguided Learning (PL) is introduced to help PE-Net efficiently learn such entity-predicate matching, and Prototype Regularization (PR) is devised to relieve the ambiguous entity-predicate matching caused by the predicate’s semantic overlap. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method gains superior relation recognition capability on SGG, achieving new state-of-the-art performances on both Visual Genome and Open Images datasets.

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